Prescription for Life

Video, HD, Stereo sound
12‘20 mins

This short film zooms directly on the artist’s performance, and attempts to explore the dilemma faced by human: one’s life is limited yet desires are boundless. One can pursue, but to what extend can one endure?   Through taking pills, it metaphorically reflects human’s overloaded desire and whether they have the capacity to bear it.

这部短片将镜头对准艺术家本人的行为, 试图探讨人类自身面对的困境:生命有限,欲望无边。你可以追求,但是究竟可以承载多少呢?借助“吃药”,揭示人类的“现代病”和过量超载的欲望与是否具备承载欲望的能力之间的关系。

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