updated on Oct 19, 2022
Selecetd Articles

"Xing Danwen: Social Running in Passionate Love", author Hu Lingyuan, ART BUND Journal, [J/OL], May 31, 2022, Beijing, China

A Round table dialogue "The meaning of Me: SElf-representation in Photography from Cindy Sherman to Xing Danwen", Wallpaper Blog, [EB/OL], March 1, 2022, Beijing, China

“Wandering Geographies: Aesthetic Practice along China’s Belt and Road Initiative”, author Christina Yuen Zi Chung and Sasha Su-Ling Welland, Feminist Studies Journal, Vol. 47, No.2 (2021), USA, P372 - 417 (397-399, 405-407)

"Gender and Performativity in Xing Danwen’s East Village", Author Yu-Chieh Li, The Third Text Journal, [J/OL], Vol.35, 2021-Issue 3, 12 May 2021, UK, Pages 389-410

"邢丹文 | 只缘身在此山中", Jupiter Museum of Art, [EB/OL], April 21, 2020, Shenzhen, China

"邢丹文: 寻找'生命处方'", author Luo Shuyin, Artron Monthly online, [EB/OL], Jul 20, 2019, Beijing, China

"Dissociative Sociability and the Mirror Effect: On Xing Danwen's Socio - Optics", author Mostafa Heddaya, YISHU magazine, [J], Vol.18. No.1, Jan/Feb, 2019, Cannada, ISBN: 1683-3082, P94 - 1022019

"Dokument epoki czy dzieło sztuki?", author Magdalena Furmanik-Kowalska, ARTLUK Magazine, [J/OL], 2(37), 2017, Poland, P44-47

"凤凰艺术专访|邢丹文:现实是残酷的,但要敢于正视", author Li Peng, Art-iFeng online, [EB/OL], Oct 6, 2017, China
"邢丹文: 在每一幅图像里重构现实", High Above magazine, [J], Oct 10, 2017, China,
ISSN 2096-0557, CN46 – 1084, 页码118-120

"Xing Danwen's 'Captive of Love'", author Tom Mouna, Art Asia Pacific magazine, [EB/OL], Oct 17, 2017, Hongkong, China

"谈邢丹文: 如何隐没?", author Wang Che, Red Brick Art Museum, [EB/OL], Oct 20, 2017, China

"Waste in contemporary Chinese art", author Meiqin Wang, The Newsletter Journal, [J/OL], IIAS, NO.76, The Focus, spring 2017, the Netherlands, P32-33

"THE LIVES OF FORM: from Zhang Jin to Aaron Siskind", author William Schaefer, ASAP/Journal, [J/OL], Vol.1, No.3, September 2016, John Hopkins University Press, USA, P461-486
"The City Vanishes: Urban Landscape in Staged Chinese Photography", author Jelena Stojkovic, HISTORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY Journal, [J], Vol.37, Issue 3, August 2013, UK, P360-369

"When Art Happened", author Xing Danwen, LEAP magazine, [J], June, 2012, Beijing, China, P114-121

"Material Dreaming - Photography and Sculpture", author Shelley Rice, SCULPTURE magazine, [J], Vol.30, No.7, September 2011, New York, USA, P48-53

"Urban Utopias", author John S Rosenberg, Harvard magazine, [J], Sep/Oct, 2010, USA, P32-35

"Beijing Confidential - Xing Danwen", author Richard Vine, Art in America magazine, [J], Feb 2010, USA, P84-93

"Xing Danwen: Revealing the Masquerade of Modernity", author Madeleine Eschenbury, YISHU magazine, [J], Vol 8, No. 4, Jul/Aug 2009, Canada, P51-66

"Xing Danwen", author Bokyung Kim, Monthly Photo magazine, [J], Aug 2009, Korea, P114-125

"墙里墙外的女人—关于邢丹文的摄影", author Gu Zheng, Art China magazine, [J], No.5, 2009, China, P68-71

"A Personal Diary", author Xing Danwen, Art Asia Pacific magazine - 15th Anniversary Special Issue, [J], Issue 61, Nov/Dec, 2008, USA, P168-177

"Projecting the Reality of China through the Lens: On the Artistic Practice of Xing Danwen (Cn)", author Gu Zheng, Artco magazine, [J], July 2008, TaiWan, China, P178-183 & the Cover

"Xing Danwen", edited by Ola Kolehmainen, Filter Journal for Photography, [J], #02 summer 2008, Denmark, P134-139

"Projecting the Reality of China through the Lens: On the Artistic Practice of Xing Danwen (En)", author Gu Zheng, YISHU magazine, [J], March,2006 Spring, Canada, P91-96

"How Do We Look?", author Danwen Xing, New York Times newspaper, [EB/OL], OP-ED, Saturday, June 21, 2003, USA